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Lunar Silver Star Story p.3

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue

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Lunar 2 Eternaml Blue p.3

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Lunar: Silver Star Story Continued..

Good People Part 2
Yay! I almost finished with da good dudes.. o well the only one i missed was Mia's mom and well who care's about her right?! Ok.. On to the bad guys *looks for a page thats actually open*

Nash The Hot headed Dude who is all Him.. hmm I mean... He's obsessed with himsef and.. mia poor poor mia! Anways there he is ... standing there.. Oo
Mia Wee she is all power full n mighty and and and fear her magic it burns.. :P, and I aint talking no trash I mean it really burns..! ... Well.. sometimes you freeze.. she needs to make up her freakn mind.. LMAO
Tempest and Fresca
These 2 are odd.., anways thay be talking to.. you? Well thay are talking to Alex and company but hay thats you too right..
Ok people this may be confusing because this is Althena BEFORE she becomes a baby..
Dyne holding baby Althena
Dyne the past dragon master who is taken as dead, He is holding the baby Althena.. his love..*sheds a tear*
Evil Althena..
This is Althena AFTER she was a baby and all growed up and the Magic Emperor brain washed her and made her evil.. got it?
Skilled dude, found in woods.. odd huh lmao he scared me when he first poped up..