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Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8 p.2

Lunar Silver Star Story

Lunar Silver Star Story p.2

Lunar Silver Star Story p.3

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue p.2

Lunar 2 Eternaml Blue p.3

Guest Book

Lunar:Silver Star Story Complete

Tiz Thee.. Good people..
*Gives every one a teddy bear* Selphie is back in action and Im going to have most of the main " Good people" But not all so you have to look on the next page! Hahaha making ya'll work is fuuun!

lunar cover
Thee cover of all time and I mean that :P
Luna Bringing the music outta all of us.
Alex the main man dude who every one grows to put up with .. i mean love Tee-hee Oo *smacks herself for that
LOOK AT THE LIL WHITE CAT!!! Nall: I AM NOT A CAT IM A DRAGON! D-R-A-G-O-N!!!! Selphie: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..
Lemmie tell ya, Kyle is one hot stud .. even when he's drunk!!! *drools*
She may look cute but she's as deadly as her dad..*shivers in fear*
Hell Mel
Looken Lean and mean... scary... as .. well ... you know..