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Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8 p.2

Lunar Silver Star Story

Lunar Silver Star Story p.2

Lunar Silver Star Story p.3

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue p.2

Lunar 2 Eternaml Blue p.3

Guest Book

Quistis~And~Selphie-chan's Site


Welcome to Our Hou-er-Page!!
Yes, well, this will be our first Website thing-a-ma-bobber ever so we are going to work hard on it, what do we expect? --uh, yea right, not much, BUT! We'll have fun makin it^^

Welcome, Welcome, We're the Chan sisters! I myself am Quistis-chan and the other one that is about here somewhere is Selphie (the red hair kinda gives it a way a tad I think). We'll be sloppin this place together a piece at a time and hope that it looks halfway decent. Anywhoo, nuff babble

What are we thinking?
Well... to be perfectly honesty, we aren't thinking anything... this is all just a random whim of ours that we think we'd really enjoy creating.

Our Favorite Things To Do
For the most part, Both Selphie-chan and I like to play video-games, watch Anime, and play a lil sports, and pretend that we know how to put a site together^^ Pretty cool eh? (heh...I know I know, you all are rolling your eyes about now, but I tell ya!! We really can do this!! heh....heh...)

What exactly ARE we doing?

Well, we're going to take a mix of our favorite game related stuff and maybe even add other things later and we're going to create just a lot of pages and stuff devoted to each. We aren't exactly sure how things turn out, but hey, all you have to do is look, right? :P


Allright, we, The sister-chan's are not responsible for any graphics and we take no credit for them. They are all off the internet from various sources and such.