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Final Fantasy 8:

Blah, Just some junk that i stumbled upon ... oh im so sorry i didn't mean it! *hugs the photo's* 0.o
Hey it's Selphie here I'mma gunna host this here page! (hehe... Duh!) Anyway these are some FF8 pix that Meza founded so look and enjoy @.@. And you better like them cause I been slaving away looking for them for ya'll so :P. I didnt have enough space so I only did the best char's sorry.

Hey what better way then to start with the most beautiful host meza!!
Selphie (Screen shot) on her i mean my tooshie.." Hi!"
Hey! Quistis showed up *hides* I mean you're the most beautiful host..Dont hit me!!!
Quistis (Screen shot..no really?) looking out at ya'll.
Ooooo it's emotionless boy!
Squall (Screen shot) looking at....well I have no clue what he's looking at, ask him you're self!
Seifer: Yes, Im a stud.
Seifer (Screen shot) looking at selphie in a distance oh yes I know it hehehe!
Awww how cute..
Laguna (Yet again a nother screen shot) looking at the sky... at a grave...*cries* .. I love this pic...
Hehe now here's a hottie if I do say so my self wich I just did ^.^.
Zell (Screen shot) with the greatest smile!!!!!
Big men with Big guns.....*faints*
Irvine (Screen shot) With his Big bad gun ....oh so ..Manly..*grins and hangs on Irvine's arm while taking his hat!*