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More FF 8 O.o
Yes your wonderful most beautiful host Selphie is backeth!! Now we get to the kewl GF's WEEEE!! We are getting pwetty far eh O.o ya'll still wif me? *splashes water on ya'z* takie that and wakie up-ed!! hehe. And yet again I ran outta space sorry.

*Huggles Carbunkle*

Carbunkle .... soooooo hugable!!

Oo Was he just reborn or somet'n i mean lookie at that pose!
Diablo looking... like a GF of .... ballet? *laughs*
Hmm aye it tiz the brother's ready for battle.
Brothers: Bring it on!!!!
Hunk O Metal For To See.
Aelxander: How can you not see me?
Alexander um .... being.. it's self?
Oh great God of fire!
Ifrit Oo in his.." Im-Thee-God-All-Bow-Before-Me" position!!
Ooo I know this one!!! Its a.... The water thingy!!!!
Levithan in a waterie mood ... stay back for you'r own good ..heh... he bite's Oo.
THE PURPLE PEOPLE EATER! Pandemonium: Imma jamacan mon!! oO He wishes!!
Pandemonium right before he sucks things up.(Not the geatest pic in the world but hay I tried!!!)
A lil green dude!!!
Jumbo Cactaur runing. Selphie: Hay come back!!! *Selphie hug-tackles sabo, gets pricklies all over* OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWIE *Selphie goes to find Quistis to complane*
Lil kid: Hey mom can I have a big birdie like that one?!?!? huh huh huh pleaaase i'll be a good lil kid!!
Quezacotl about to kill us all ahhh!!
Siren: I creat peace, you do not uphold peace, therefore I will inforce it.
Siren Upholding peace i take it Oo.
Well you can't say she's hot now can ya!
I wouldnt touch it's bone if I where you.
Cerberus the three headed Dawgy wonder! *Selphie goes up to cerberus and gets a rope around its neck and hops on it's back, rides like she is in a rodio!* Quistis: Get off the poor dogs! Selphie: Fine but you say it like this Dawg.. D-AW-G *Quistis shakes head and sighs as she leaves to another page*
Kinda small dont cha think?
Bahamut um um I cant make it out.. but I *Think* he's un floading his wings.
This guy scares me.....
Tonberry King, Now this dude was evil to me when i was playing FF7!!! *glares evil like at the mean evil thingy that kept on kill'n her*